

In stock
Harga Buku Rp. 115.000
Harga EBook Rp. 65.000
  • Pengarang : Sudiran
  • Kategori : Bahasa & Sastra
  • ISBN : 978-979-796-506-8
  • e-ISBN : 978-979-796-503-7
  • Tahun Terbit : 2023
  • Halaman : 219
  • Cetakan : Kedua
  • Ukuran : 16 x 23 cm
  • Berat : 0,5

Popular Culture As Reading For Information was written as a textbook for Reading for Information courses taught in the even semester (semester II) of the English Language Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. This book is written as teaching material to achieve instructional goals that is, to improve students' reading skills in English-language texts. In addition, this book is also intended to help students develop English vocabulary mastery as a main component to improve reading skills.

Apart from being a teaching material, this book is also intended as teaching media that helps students improve their learning experience in class so that they can increase their knowledge and skills in the "Reading For Information" course. This book is designed in accordance with the author's expertise, namely popular culture in English education. Therefore, material related to popular culture is presented in this book. In accordance with one of the characteristics of popular culture material that is interesting and fun, this book is expected to be material that meets the concepts of Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective and Enjoyable Learning (PAIKEM) so that students learn the subject matter creatively and with pleasure.


Preface. ii

Acknowledgement iii

Contents. iv

Unit 1 the Most Popular Food. 1

A. Learning Outcomes. 1

B. Reading Text 1

C. Summary. 3

D. Activities. 3

Unit 2 Soft Drinks. 12

A. Learning Outcomes. 12

B. Reading Text 12

C. Summary. 14

D. Activities. 15

Unit 3 Fast Food Restaurants. 21

A. Learning Outcomes. 21

B. Reading Text 21

C. Summary. 23

D. Activities. 24

Unit 4 Basketball 31

A. Learning Outcomes. 31

B. Reading Text 31

C. Summary. 33

D. Activities. 34

Unit 5 T-Shirt 40

A. Learning Outcomes. 40

B. Reading Text 40

C. Summary. 42

D. Activities. 43

Unit 6 Jackets. 50

A. Learning Outcomes. 50

B. Reading Text 50

C. Summary. 52

D. Activities. 53

Unit 7 Shorts. 61

A. Learning Outcomes. 61

B. Reading Text 61

C. Summary. 63

D. Activities. 64

Unit 8 Caps. 72

A. Learning Outcomes. 72

B. Reading Text 72

C. Summary. 74

D. Activities. 74

Unit 9 Shoes. 83

A. Learning Outcomes. 83

B. Reading Text 83

C. Summary. 85

D. Activities. 86

Unit 10 Advertisement 92

A. Learning Outcomes. 92

B. Reading Text 92

C. Summary. 94

D. Activities. 95

Unit 11 Television. 102

A. Learning Outcomes. 102

B. Reading Text 102

C. Summary. 104

D. Activities. 105

Unit 12 Mobile Phones. 112

A. Learning Outcomes. 112

B. Reading Text 112

C. Summary. 114

D. Activities. 115

Unit 13 Sports Fans. 122

A. Learning Outcomes. 122

B. Reading Text 122

C. Summary. 124

D. Activities. 125

Unit 14 Cheerleader Dance. 133

A. Learning Outcomes. 133

B. Reading Text 133

C. Summary. 135

D. Activities. 136

Unit 15 Popular Music. 143

A. Learning Outcomes. 143

B. Reading Text 143

C. Summary. 146

D. Activities. 147

Unit 16 Film.. 153

A. Learning Outcomes. 153

B. Reading Text 153

C. Summary. 155

D. Activities. 156

Unit 17 Comics. 163

A. Learning Outcomes. 163

B. Reading Text 163

C. Summary. 165

D. Activities. 166

glossary. 171

References. 175

Index. 178

Lampiran 1, 183



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