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Harga Buku Rp. 200.000
Harga EBook Rp. 100.000
  • Pengarang : Tonny Dian Effendi
  • Kategori : Sosial & Populer
  • ISBN : 978-979-796-875-5
  • e-ISBN : 978-979-796-876-2
  • Tahun Terbit : 2024
  • Halaman : 176
  • Cetakan : Pertama
  • Ukuran : 16 x 23 cm
  • Berat : 1.0

In June 2022, six Indonesian doctoral students at the Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, presented their papers at the 4th SEASIA Biennial Conference, organized by the National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia. They created a panel entitled “Critical Outlook and Comparative Implication on Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy: An Indonesian Perspective” and joined virtually since the COVID-19 pandemic restricted their mobility to attend physically in Jakarta. Professor Taufik Tanasaldy from the University of Tasmania, Australia, conducted as a discussant in their panel. After the conference, those students agreed to revise their papers and create a book. Most of the articles in this book come from the revised papers on that conference. The idea for writing this book started with Taiwan’s unique position and recent developments in relations between Taiwan and Indonesia. Taiwan does not have diplomatic relations with Indonesia, but economic relations and People to People (PtoP) relations have been established for a long time and have increased significantly after the implementation of the New Southbound Policy (NSP). Meanwhile, the literature on relations between Taiwan and Indonesia is still very limited in Indonesia. This uniqueness and limitations inspired the contributors in this book to conduct studies on various topics in the relations between Taiwan and Indonesia, especially since the implementation of the New Southbound Policy in 2016. Although each contributor’s research topics have particularities and focus on certain studies, their writings have connectedness, namely surveys. The surveys in this book mean surveys to the respondents and surveys to the content of the media, social media, research work, and theories. Therefore, the title of this book underlines the survey as the primary method but with different objects and mechanisms.

Forewords Prof. Da-Chi Liao     ~     v
Forewords Prof. Samuel C. Y. Ku     ~     vii
Editor’s Preface     ~     ix
Contents     ~     xi
List of Table     ~     xiii
List of Figure     ~     xv

Introduction: Surveying Taiwan-Indonesia Relations
Tonny Dian Effendi     ~     1
Taiwan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Under the Unofficial Relations
Tate Agape Bawana     ~     25
Taiwan’s Investment to Indonesia 2011-2021: A Statistical Literature Study
Septyanto Galan Prakoso     ~     45

Perceptions on Human Security During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Indonesian Students in Taiwan
Asih Purwanti     ~     65

Going South, Greater Clout? An Empirical Analysis of Indonesian Perception Towards Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy
Restu Karlina Rahayu     ~     79

Exploring Indonesian Social Media Discourse on Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy
Maulana Amrullah     ~     105

Indonesian Online Media Coverage on New Southbound Policy and Its Implications to Taiwan’s Public Diplomacy
Tonny Dian Effendi     ~     135

Contributors     ~     159


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