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Harga EBook Rp. 75.000
  • Pengarang : Nina Inayati, M.Ed. Puji Sumarsono, M.Pd.
  • Kategori : Pendidikan
  • ISBN : 978-979-796-505-1
  • e-ISBN : 978-979-796-504-4
  • Tahun Terbit : 2020
  • Halaman : 158
  • Cetakan : Pertama
  • Ukuran : 16 x 23 cm
  • Berat : 0,7

In the world where everything is increasingly connected at the global level, all industry sectors need executive administrative personnel with high command in English Language more than ever.  This English for Executive Administrative Assistance book is specifically written to help anyone interested in administrative career or current administrative professionals who want to improve their English proficiency to help themselves and their companies to excel in the industry. This highly practical book is developed based on the English skills and competences required by executive administrative staff as identified in the decree of the English Language consortium at the Directorate of Course Development and Institution, Directorate General of Non Formal and Informal Education, Ministry of National Education (National Work Competency Standards/SKKNI). The materials and practices in this book are designed by highly proficient educators who have decades of experience teaching and developing instructional materials in English for Specific Purposes. This book provides theories accompanied by various practices central to improving English Language skills in Reading, Writing and Speaking. The topics are centered around relevant administrative tasks such as effective communication strategies, writing reports, presentation, negotiation and public relation affairs. This book will be highly useful for students who have administrative career in mind, current administrative personnel who want to sharpen their English proficiency, and teachers who teach English for administrative purpose.

Preface ~ v

Table of contents ~ vii

Unit I Negotiation Skills ~ 1 A.  Introduction to Negotiation ~ 1

  1. Principles of Effective Negotiation ~ 5
  2. General Procedure of Negotiation ~ 13
  3. Conducting A Negotiation ~ 18
  4. Things to Avoid in Negotiation ~ 25

Unit II Giving a Presentation ~ 33

  1. Introduction To Presentation ~ 33
  2. vii

    Types Of Presentation ~ 38
  3. Elements of Presentation ~ 44
  4. Making Good Presentation ~ 50
  5. Things to Avoid in Presentation ~ 56

Unit III Public Relations ~ 63

  1. Introduction to Public Relations ~ 63
  2. Effective Public Relations ~ 69
  3. Promoting Company Profile ~ 76
  4. Crisis Control ~ 83

Unit IV Intermediate Communication Strategy ~ 93

  1. Expression of Hesitation ~ 93
  2. Expression of Reflection ~ 94
  3. Signal Words ~ 95
  4. Expressions Used for Discussion ~ 98 E. Idioms ~ 98

         F.   Formal and Informal Language ~ 100

Unit V Writing Summaries and Reports ~ 109

  1. Building Paragraph ~ 109
  2. Writing Summaries ~ 117
  3. Writing Reports ~ 121

References ~ 139

Index ~ 143

Glossarium ~ 145

Preface ~ v
Table of contents ~ vii
Unit I Negotiation Skills ~ 1 
A.     Introduction to Negotiation ~ 1
B.    Principles of Effective Negotiation ~ 5
C.    General Procedure of Negotiation ~ 13
D.     Conducting A Negotiation ~ 18
E.     Things to Avoid in Negotiation ~ 25
Unit II Giving a Presentation    ~ 33
A.     Introduction To Presentation ~ 33
B.    Types Of Presentation ~ 38
C.    Elements of Presentation ~ 44
D.    Making Good Presentation ~ 50
E.    Things to Avoid in Presentation ~ 56

Unit III Public Relations ~ 63
A.    Introduction to Public Relations ~ 63
B.     Effective Public Relations ~ 69
C.    Promoting Company Profile ~ 76
D.    Crisis Control ~ 83
Unit IV Intermediate Communication Strategy ~ 93
A.    Expression of Hesitation ~ 93
B.     Expression of Reflection ~ 94
C.     Signal Words ~ 95
D.    Expressions Used for Discussion ~ 98
E.    Idioms ~ 98
F.    Formal and Informal Language ~ 100

Unit V Writing Summaries and Reports ~ 109
A.    Building Paragraph ~ 109
B.    Writing Summaries ~ 117
C.    Writing Reports ~ 121

References ~ 139
Index ~ 143
Glossarium ~ 145


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