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Harga Buku Rp. 100.000
Harga EBook Rp. 49.000
  • Pengarang : Tim LC - UMM
  • Kategori : English for Specific
  • ISBN : 978-979-796-905-9
  • e-ISBN : 978-979-796-906-6
  • Tahun Terbit : 2024
  • Halaman : 124
  • Cetakan : Pertama
  • Ukuran : 16 x 23 cm
  • Berat : 0.8

English for Elementary School Teachers is written to fulfill the students’ learning needs based on their disciplines. This book is designed to provide an opportunity for students to develop their English skills communicatively and meaningfully.

UNIT 1    The Importance of Primary Education    1
Learning Objectives    1    Brainstorming    2
Let’s Read    2
Task 1: Guessing the Meaning    4
Task 2: True or False    4
Grammar Overview    5
Task 3: Finding the Part of Speech    6
Task 4: Completing the Sentences     6
Let’s Speak    7
Task 5: Completing the Data    8
Task 6: Introducing Yourself    9
Let’s Write    9
Task 7: Identifying the Expression    11
Task 8: Introducing Your Friend    11
Reflection    12

UNIT 2    After-School Activities for Students    13
Learning Objectives    13
Brainstorming    14
Let’s Read    14
Task 1: Matching the Words    15
Task 2: True or False    15
Grammar Overview    16
Task 3: Matching the Phrase    17
Task 4: Finding the Phrase    18
Let’s Write    18
Task 5: Making a List of Activities    19
Task 6: Writing the Daily Routine    19
Let’s Speak    20
Task 7: Finding the Activities    20
Task 8: Having an Interview    21
Reflection    21

UNIT 3    Education Pioneer: Ki Hajar Dewantara    23
Learning Objectives     23
Brainstorming    24
Let’s Read    24
Task 1: Completing the Crossword    26
Task 2: Answering the Questions     27
Grammar Overview    27
Task 3: Correcting the Verbs    28
Task 4: Arranging the Words      28
Task 5: Making Sentences    28
Let’s Speak     29
Task 6: Describing People    32
Task 7: Making Conversation    32
Let’s Write    33
Task 8: Completing the Data    33
Task 9: Writing a Short Description    33
Reflection    34

UNIT 4     Bullying in Primary School    35
Learning Objectives    35
Brainstorming    36
Let’s Read    36
Task 1: Matching the Words    38
Task 2: True or False    39
Grammar Overview    40
Task 3: Identifying Subject and Verb    41
Task 4: Choosing the Correct Verb    42
Let’s Speak    42
Task 5: Describing the Picture    43
Let’s Write    43
Task 6: Direction Detective Game    43
Task 7: Travel Adventure    44
Task 8: Making Dialogue    45
Reflection    45

UNIT 5     The Lack of Interaction in Remote Learning    47
Learning objectives    47
Brainstorming    48
Let’s Read    48
Task 1: Matching the Words    49
Task 2: Answering the Questions    50
Task 3: True or False    50
Grammar Overview    52
Task 4: Completing the Sentences    53    Task 5: Finding and Correcting Mistakes    54
Let’s Speak    55
Task 6: Pairing the Sentences    56
Task 7: Completing the Dialogue    57
Task 8: Discussing the Experience    58
Task 9: Making Dialogue    58
Let’s Write    59
Task 10: Responding the Letter    59
Reflection    60
UNIT 6    What is Total Physical Response    61
Learning Objectives    61
Brainstorming    62
Let’s Read    62
Task 1: Finding the Words    64
Task 2: Completing the Mind Map    65
Task 3: Answering the Questions    65
Grammar Overview    66
Task 4: Completing the Sentences    67
Task 5: True or False    68
Task 6: Changing the Verbs    69
Let’s Write    69
Task 7: Matching the Appliances    72
Task 8: Sharing Opinion    73
Task 9: Completing the Steps    73
Task 10: Creating the Procedure    74
Let’s Speak    75
Task 11: Explaining the Procedure    75
Task 12: Arranging the Correct Order    76
Reflection    77

UNIT 7     Holistic Approach to Early Childhood Education    79
Learning Objectives    79
Brainstorming    80
Let’s Read    80
Task 1: Matching the Words    81
Task 2: Answering the Questions    82
Task 3: True or False    82
Grammar Overview    83
Task 4: Correcting the Clauses    84
Task 5: Arranging the Words    85
Task 6: Finding and Correcting the Mistakes    86
Task 7: Identifying the Aspect of Promotion    88
Let’s Write    88
Task 8: Analyzing the Video    88
Task 9: Creating a Product Promotion    89
Let’s Speak    91
Task 10: Playing Product Game Board    91
Task 11: Promoting Product    93
Reflection    93

UNIT 8    Fostering Creative Development in Young Learners    95
Learning Objectives    95
Brainstorming    96
Let’s Read    96
Task 1: Guessing the Words    97
Task 2: True or False    99
Task 3: Answering the Questions    99
Grammar Overview    100
Task 4: Correcting the Sentences    100
Task 5: Choosing the Correct Verbs    102
Task 6: Changing Active Sentence to Passive Sentence    103
Let’s Speak    104
Task 7: Identifying the Expressions    106
Task 8: Sharing Opinion    106
Let’s Write    106
Task 9: Reporting the Result of Discussion    106
Task 10: Stating Opinion    107
Reflection              107

REFERENCES              109


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